October 22, 2008

Reality Check

Here at Berklee, a pernicious idea is going around that string players can “get away” with certain things simply because our demand is far greater than our supply. This idea manifests itself both in attitudes towards professionalism and towards individual preparation.

An audition? Skip it and just show up to the first rehearsal. You’ll hear, "oh, you play the violin! Thank God you showed up!"

When Film Scoring and Production majors spot somebody with a cello case, they know that they'd better get that kid's phone number. They'll need him to play in their next recording session, and it'll be a long while before they stumble upon another cellist. Man, it's nice when folks are trackin' you down and askin' you to play.

Rehearsals? Only if you feel like going. "Oh, it's ok that you couldn't come to rehearsal, at least you're willing to play in the concert." Hmmm, one could get used to this.

Well don't.

Don't get used to it because the real word doesn't work like this. There, nobody will kiss your ass just because of the instrument you play, so you'd better be able to back yourself up with your chops like the saxophone, drum set, trumpet, etc. students are preparing to do. It's competitive and players who "got away" with things don't get hired. Wake up! Our shit stinks just like everyone else's.


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